The short answer is, “no.” The IIe came with a Super Serial Card, an 80-column 64k RAM card, and a floppy disk controller card (with two working half-height floppy drives.)
I did find an original Microsoft SoftCard at a garage sale. The seller warned me that it would not fit any modern computer and that I would need an older PC-XT or Versa Local Bus to use the card. I thanked him for the information, handed him my $5, and took the change. I set the switches, plugged it in, and it ran the flawlessly.
Along the way, I also picked up a parallel printer card that works well with a Brother laser printer in default Epson FX mode.
Therefore, the inside of the Apple IIe looks like this:
- 0 — 80-column, 64k RAM card
- 1 — Parallel Printer Card
- 2 — Super Serial Card
- 3 — (empty)
- 4 — Microsoft SoftCard
- 5 — (empty)
- 6 — Floppy Drive Controller
- 7 — MicroDrive IDE/CF Card
I am still mucking around with DOS.MASTER and have yet to get it to work. Thankfully, the recent supply of 5.25” disks allows me to run the other systems until I either get DOS.MASTER to run right or give up on it entirely.